

Height – Weight
The height in akrw'mjo for males is 52-60 cm. and for females from 50-58 cm.
Weight about 15-19 kilos.

Thin, lightly hard, well tied up in the head and without jowl.
The color of skin is proportional with its hair color.
The color of nose, lips and eyelids is black.

Vitreous essence, dasy, tied up well in the skin, short in head, ears, side of trunke legs.

Beefy, muscular but dried, lightly arc-shaped, without jowl, it descends and is connected harmoniously with the trunke.
His length is roughly equal with his length head.

Lissome but strong. 
His length is at 3-5% smaller than the height in acronym.
The upper line is straight and lightly convex in the middle.
The under line descends in the breastbone until the elbow and it goes high in the abdomen and in loins.

The thoracic cavity well developed in height and in length, but not very in width.

